Hi Folks!

Just wanted to drop an update here on the announcement board to let you know that I have been working on a new client area that is fully compliant with our latest billing system update (v6).

You may notice that the client area will be down intermittenly while I integrate the new design, client area portal and some other stuff to make the client portal completely mobile-friendly. When I am done you will be able to manage your hosting, account, marketing campaigns, and more from any smartphone.

PLEASE NOTE: This does not effect the status of your hosted sites. This is for the argonhosting.com site and client portal.

I am very excited to roll out the new look for argonhosting.com with the similar look being moved to argonstudios.com.

So, this week and next week you will notice the access to your client area may be interupted. If you are on a plesk server you can log directly into your plesk server and instructions for this are located in the knowledgebase. I will keep my work to the evenings so this shouldn't get in your way too much.

Of course if you need something done on the server and you can't get to it and you can't get to the support desk, then call. You can call me any time at either number listed below.

Any questions, open a ticket and I'll get back to ya as fast as I can. Usually within an hour or less.

Shannon Cox

P.S. AGAINPLEASE NOTE:This does not effect the status of your hosted sites. This is for the argonhosting.com site and client portal only!

Monday, August 10, 2015

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