How do i use FTP and transfer my files to my hosting account?
File Transfer Protocol or FTP is an easy to use method to upload information to your web site and download information to your computer.
Transferring files is a snap using an FTP file manager such as smart FTP, WS_FTP, or any other FTP management tool. You can also use the built-in "File Manager" inside of your hosting account Control Panel. More information on your Control Panel File Manager click here. If you are going to move more than one file at a time you may want to get a more robust FTP program like the ones above.
To transfer files from your computer to your new account use the FTP login information received in your welcome email. The information should look something like this:
Once you know your username and password, enter it into your FTP program and connect to your account. If you need to connect to your account before your domain resolves to our server, please submit a ticket requesting the IP address that you need to connect to. In most cases it is the IP address associated with the first nameserver that was sent in your welcome email.