What is the Domain Registry of America letter that I received?

The following is an excerpt from an online users experience with Domain Registry of America:

I got targeted by a fraud attempt! My domain will expire this summer, and so will need to be renewed. I recieved an official looking letter from the "Domain Registry of America" ( http://www.droa.com ), which struck me as odd, as my domain is handled by another company. Also, my adress was misspelled and the included envelope for the response did not have prepaid postage. I got suspicious and started checking it out.

Some googling soon showed that it's a scam. They check who a domain belongs to, sends out letters when it's about to expire, and instead of renewing it, they transfer the domain to them.

Some of the links I found:


http://blog.forret.com/2004/12/domai...-america-scam/ (this has a scan of such a letter)


In other words, watch out. This could have cost me $80.00 plus my credit card info getting in the hands of scammers.  


If you have any other questions regarding the letter you received, please DO NOT hesitate to contact our offices or open a support ticket and we will be happy to assist you with the letter you received from Domain Registry of America.

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