
Keresés a termékek és szolgáltatások között

Argon Managed VPS

  • 20GB Disk Space

  • 2TB Data Transfer

  • Private Technical Support

ár egy hónapra - $249.95 USD
Argon Managed Virtual Dedicated

Small per client per cluster system with clustered processing, load-balancing, and redundant storage. The moment you upload your data, it's set to scale across an entire fleet of servers.

  • 50GB disk space

  • 500GB data transfer

  • Unlimited POP/IMAP accounts

  • Unlimited Databases

  • Unlimited Domain Names (configured by Argon Hosting)

  • 10,000 CPU cycles (Compute cycles measure how much processing time your applications require on the cluster. 1,000 CPU cycles is enough processing power to run multiple intensive applications with millions of hits each month)

Additional Disk Space - $1.00/GB

Additional Bandwidth - $0.50/GB

Additional compute cycles - $0.05/compute cycle

ár egy hónapra - $298.00 USD
ár három hónapra - $285.00 USD
ár egy évre - $275.00 USD